by Christopher Mosdell
The history of Japan in poetic form––a collection of narratives pertaining to the ontology of a nation––a people, a culture, a social milieu. By taking the roots of kanji (ideograms) the book documents the historic landscape of Japan––its literary figures, its heroic warriors, and its emperors, artists, gods and warlords. Here is an allegory of the nation’s identity. A mosaic, a thousand shards gathered up to represent a vast momentous chronicle of a country.
Published by Edokko Editions, 2019
“Exotic worlds both ancient and modern,
poems simulating a vast chemical reaction.”
— Shuntaro Tanikawa
— a pillow of grass . . .
— a boat poled inestimable ri . . .
— non-death . . .
I will say everything.
— Christopher Mosdell