City of Song

The Incendiary Arias

by Chris Mosdell

The lyricist’s testament to the intense energies within his place of residence—a set of librettos and choral arias composed to sing Tokyo into life; songs that distill the nature of the city—a city comprising of twenty-three ku or wards (the precise number of chromosomes in a human reproductive cell), a city at once a living entity, at once a dramatic stage set. Consisting of forty-six librettos for soloists (twenty-three male/twenty-three female) and an additional twelve choral “throng songs” for the entire twelve million citizens of the city, the book is a vast operatic script. Songs include Aorta Avenue, Pieced By Mystic Shrapnel, In the Manic Dormitory of the Half-Harlot Boys and The Disintegration Jig.

Published by Edokko Editions, 2006.

Let the eruption rites get underway
At the Festival of Brilliant Decay...
— Chris Mosdell

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